Por favor, declara tu vuelo PRIMERO para el OLC nacional. Los vuelos serán copiados de forma automática al OLC-I.
Aquéllos pilotos que se encuentran de vacaciones deben declarar el vuelo en el OLC del país dónde tuvo lugar el vuelo. Al darse de alta para el OLC del país de acogida, estos pilotos tienen que indicar su país de residencia habitual y el club al que pertenecen.
Please submit your flights FIRST for a national OLC. The flights will automatically be copied into the OLC-International.
Pilots on holiday submit for the national OLC of the country where the flight takes place.
When registering for the OLC in your holiday country, please specify your home country and your home club.
Fri Oct 18 19:24:44 CEST 2002

Daily Score for 29.07
1BechtoldGuyLU 898.04120 1496.73FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 09:0518:38 96.93w0
2SieberAndreasDE 767.33120 1278.88FuentemilanosASH-26 EHAC BobergD-KYAS 09:1717:02100.40w0
3WelzbacherMarkusDE 772.67110 1053.64FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 09:1315:42119.18w0
4LindnerRolandDE 831.62120 1039.52FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 09:4115:18147.76w0
5Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 813.52118 1034.14FuentemilanoLS6cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFD S09:5817:49103.74w0
6KlosePeterDE 710.61124 859.61FuentemilanosNimbus 3DAeroteam KlixD-KEMH 09:3916:00111.94w0
7KastenManfredDE 661.37120 826.71FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD0726S09:3115:08117.87w0
8WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 417.31116 539.63FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 10:5718:17 56.92w0
9Merino de la CuestaMargaritaES 339.50106 480.42FuentemilanosLs7Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FKPS11:2315:45 77.81w0
10HammHermannDE 1150.84120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 09:0414:08 w0
scored daily distance 6211.97 km

Daily Score for 28.07
1Martin PerezLisaDE 751.29110 1024.49FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 09:2618:43 80.87w0
2DepilJuergenDE 788.65118 1002.52FuentemilanosDG 600 18mAEC HeidelbergD-KKEJ 10:0018:33 92.23w0
3Santamaría Sánchez-BarrigaAntonioES 761.26118 967.70AdfuentemlnsLS-6c 18WCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FVI S10:5118:40 97.39w0
4KlosePeterDE 594.48124 958.83FuentemilanosNimbus 3DAeroteam KlixD-KEMH 09:3317:02 79.70w0
5Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 664.38118 844.56FuentemilanoLS6cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFD S10:0917:38 88.83w0
6klappefransNL 426.52104 717.70DosbarrsDG 300 ELANAmsterdamsche c v ZweefvliegenPH 830 S12:4518:01 81.77w0
7Merino de la CuestaMargaritaES 288.56106 408.35FuentemilanosLs7Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FKPS10:5414:51 73.10w0
8WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 315.15116 407.53FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 10:3418:58 37.51w0
scored daily distance 4590.29 km

Daily Score for 27.07
1BechtoldGuyLU 1035.61120 1726.02FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 09:1119:00107.13w0
2LindnerRolandDE 1017.63120 1272.04FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 09:3217:50122.71w0
3KlosePeterDE 723.54124 1166.99FuentemilanosNimbus 3DAeroteam KlixD-KEMH 09:3718:16 84.43w0
4WelzbacherMarkusDE 700.44110 1114.33FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 09:2517:25 87.92w1092521
5KastenManfredDE 711.07120 888.84FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD-0726S09:2316:22101.82w0
6SolerMarcelES 624.59108 867.49AdfuentemlnsDISCUS-2bCl. Vol a Vela IgualadaMFS10:3915:57117.92w0
7Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 665.89118 846.47Fuentemilanos RLS6cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFD S10:1816:39104.77w0
8Gracia LozanoVíctorES 336.56100 673.11Ocana Toledo GldDG100-GPilotos del Sureste OnturD-6789S13:2617:24 85.24w0
9MartinLuisES 455.85108 633.12AdfntmLS3Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-7901  12:1617:52 81.34w0
10Lopez DiazAlvaroES 328.75110 597.73AdocanLS 3 ACl. O y M OcañaD 2895 S13:2017:32 78.23w0
11WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 333.49116 431.23FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 11:5819:18 45.41w0
12HammHermannDE 644.21120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 09:5116:58 90.52w0
12HammHermannDE 644.21120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD KAFZ 09:5116:58 w0
12Santamaría Sánchez-BarrigaAntonioES 562.80118 0.00AdfuentemlnsLS-6c 18WCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FVI S12:0517:29 w0
scored daily distance 6933.42 km

Daily Score for 26.07
1BechtoldGuyLU 1017.54120 1695.90FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 09:2518:13115.94w0
2LindnerRolandDE 818.50120 1364.16FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 09:3917:06112.15w0
3SieberAndreasDE 770.09120 1283.49FuentemilanosASH-26 EHAC BobergD-KYAS 10:1218:14 97.06w0
4KlosePeterDE 1041.56124 1259.96FuentemilanosNimbus 3DAeroteam KlixD-KEMH 09:3318:30116.38w0
5KastenManfredDE 711.38120 1185.63FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD-0726S10:3217:39102.67w0
6klappefransNL 608.71104 1024.28AdsanttmDG 300 ELANAmsterdamsche c v ZweefvliegenPH 830 S12:1017:36112.22w0
7Martin PerezLisaDE 529.80110 963.28FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 09:4517:44 66.99w1095346
8Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 750.23118 953.68FuentemilanoLS6cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFD S10:5418:28 99.12w0
9Meyer-BeeckDietrichES 506.79108 938.50AdcncstsLS 3Pilotos del Sureste OnturBGA4899 S12:2017:25 99.77w0
10SolerMarcelES 663.93108 922.12AdfuentemlnsDISCUS-2bCl. Vol a Vela IgualadaMFS10:5416:45113.47w0
11Gracia LozanoVíctorES 326.15100 570.76ocañaDG100-GPilotos del Sureste OnturD-6789S14:3218:11 89.49w0
12WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 405.67116 524.58FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 11:3419:00 54.57w0
13Merino de la CuestaMargaritaES 312.42106 442.10Fuentemilanosls7Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FKPS12:4517:07 71.62w0
14MadrigalJorgeES 312.90108 434.58OcañaDG-200Cl. Vol a Vela IgualadaD-6646S12:2016:10 81.67w0
15HammHermannDE 749.14120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 09:3717:49 w0
15Lopez DiazAlvaroES 317.31110 0.00ocañaLS 3 ACl. O y M OcañaD 2895 S12:5016:30 w0
scored daily distance 8775.67 km

Daily Score for 25.07
1Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 533.61118 904.42FuentemilanosLS6cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFDS11:5018:40 82.63w0
2WelzbacherMarkusDE 474.60110 755.05FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 11:3718:14 72.44w0
3LindnerRolandDE 423.78120 618.02Fuentemilanos RDG 800LSC ErftlandD-KTCW 12:5316:41111.35w0
4SolerMarcelES 436.79108 606.65AdfuentemlnsDISCUS-2bCl. Vol a Vela IgualadaMFS12:3017:45 83.11w0
5SieberAndreasDE 372.51120 543.25FuentemilanosASH-26 EHAC BobergD-KYAS 11:4916:18 83.18w1115942
6WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 317.94118 471.52FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 12:5819:11 54.07w0
scored daily distance 2559.23 km

Daily Score for 24.07
1WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 217.57118 322.67FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 12:1718:35 35.65w0
scored daily distance 217.57 km

Daily Score for 23.07
1WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 211.66116 273.69FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 13:5619:03 41.25w0
scored daily distance 211.66 km
Scoring DaysNumber of FlightsScored Kilometer
98282 109826.95

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