Por favor, declara tu vuelo PRIMERO para el OLC nacional. Los vuelos serán copiados de forma automática al OLC-I.
Aquéllos pilotos que se encuentran de vacaciones deben declarar el vuelo en el OLC del país dónde tuvo lugar el vuelo. Al darse de alta para el OLC del país de acogida, estos pilotos tienen que indicar su país de residencia habitual y el club al que pertenecen.
Please submit your flights FIRST for a national OLC. The flights will automatically be copied into the OLC-International.
Pilots on holiday submit for the national OLC of the country where the flight takes place.
When registering for the OLC in your holiday country, please specify your home country and your home club.
Fri Oct 18 19:24:47 CEST 2002

Daily Score for 05.08
1LindnerRolandDE 1051.79120 1314.74FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 08:4517:17123.09w0
2LengemannManfredDE 1042.88120 1303.60FuentemilanosLS 9SFV MannheimD-KHML 08:2917:50111.63w0
3BechtoldGuyLU 1028.93120 1286.16FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 08:2417:27113.80w0
4Martin PerezLisaDE 892.78110 1217.43FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 08:2917:24100.22w0
5KastenManfredDE 900.95120 1126.19FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD-0726S08:5417:29104.92w0
6DepilJuergenDE 856.45118 1088.71FuentemilanosDG 600 18mAEC HeidelbergD-KKEJ 08:4617:11101.73w0
7Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 853.90118 1085.47FuentemilanosLS.6 cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFDS09:1418:39 90.58w0
8klappefransNL 571.98104 962.47Ad ocanaDG 300 ELANAmsterdamsche c v ZweefvliegenPH 830 S11:5217:39 98.87w0
9Merino de la CuestaMargaritaES 344.18106 487.04FuentemilanosLS.7Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-FKPS11:1316:38 63.52w0
10HammHermannDE 856.27120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 08:2716:54 w0
10WöllermannFriedrich-WilhelmES 523.06116 0.00FuentemilanosVentus CTCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KECD 10:4819:18 w0
scored daily distance 7543.84 km

Daily Score for 04.08
1BechtoldGuyLU 1017.75120 1272.18FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 09:2019:08103.76w0
2LindnerRolandDE 889.75120 1112.19FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 09:4317:11119.03w0
3DepilJuergenDE 859.52118 1092.61FuentemilanosDG 600 18mAEC HeidelbergD-KKEJ 09:5717:55107.89w1095723
4WelzbacherMarkusDE 768.47110 1047.92FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 09:5017:45 97.07w0
5klappefransNL 517.49104 995.18Ad ocanaDG 300 ELANAmsterdamsche c v ZweefvliegenPH 830 S11:4317:17 92.95w0
6Sancho AznalJose MaríaES 630.28118 801.20FuentemilanosLS.6 cCl. Cumulus FuentemilanosEC-GFDS12:1618:39 98.65w0
7HammHermannDE 485.73120 708.35FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 10:3216:37 80.58w0
8KastenManfredDE 540.96120 676.20FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD-0726S10:0416:03 90.41w0
scored daily distance 5709.95 km

Daily Score for 03.08
1BechtoldGuyLU 1057.42120 1321.78FuentemilanosVentus 2 cmCVV UseldangeD-KLUX 10:0319:26112.62w0
2LindnerRolandDE 824.53120 1030.66FuentemilanosDG 800 18mLSC ErftlandD-KTCW 10:3017:38115.64w0
3DepilJuergenDE 593.84118 880.69FuentemilanosDG 600 18mAEC HeidelbergD-KKEJ 12:1918:18 99.59w0
4HAMMHERMANNES 565.74120 825.03FuentemilanosASH-26 ECl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-KAFZ 11:3017:27 96.05w0
5klappefransNL 425.57104 716.10Ad ocanaDG 300 ELANAmsterdamsche c v ZweefvliegenPH 830 S12:2517:31 84.05w0
6Martin PerezLisaDE 437.73110 696.39FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 11:3317:22 75.45w0
7KastenManfredDE 468.77120 683.62FuentemilanosASH26LSG Südwest Herten-RheinfeldeD-0726S11:5116:40 98.28w0
8LengemannManfredDE 358.92120 523.43FuentemilanosLS 9SFV MannheimD-KHML 12:2216:03 97.34w0
scored daily distance 4732.52 km

Daily Score for 02.08
1WelzbacherMarkusDE 398.75110 634.38FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 11:0516:56 69.11w0
2Domecq CMichaelES 248.42108 345.03FuentemilanoASW 24Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-3792 S12:2116:03 66.94w0
3HammHermannDE 52.34120 0.00FuentemilanosASH26ELVBD-KAFZ 11:4212:36 58.85w0
scored daily distance 647.17 km

Daily Score for 01.08
1Martin PerezLisaDE 231.04110 367.56FuentemilanosDG 400 17SFV MannheimD-KXOW 11:4616:50 46.18w0
2Domecq CMichaelES 171.96108 278.64FuentemilanoASW 24Cl. Cumulus FuentemilanosD-3792 S14:0417:15 54.68w0
scored daily distance 403.00 km
Scoring DaysNumber of FlightsScored Kilometer
98282 109826.95

Daily Score until 14.10.2002
Daily Score until 09.09.2002
Daily Score until 19.08.2002
Daily Score until 12.08.2002
Daily Score until 05.08.2002
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Daily Score until 03.06.2002
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Daily Score until 06.05.2002
Daily Score until 22.04.2002
Daily Score until 01.04.2002
Daily Score until 18.03.2002
Daily Score until 21.01.2002
Daily Score until 24.12.2001