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Mon Apr 01 23:57:43 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International pure gliding for week 62
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 677.481 WeißHerbertDE 10.03 418.11 677.48
2 666.663 OhlmannKlausDE 10.03 313.33 666.66
3 598.561 DuarteClaudio BloisBR 09.03 343.17 598.56
4 549.991 BeuleSebastianDE 11.03 339.42 549.99
5 535.771 NiesslbeckJohannesDE 10.03 332.18 535.77
6 529.564 SchwerdtfegerFrankDE 11.03 338.92 529.56
7 518.002 ZahnChristophDE 11.03 319.68 518.00
8 513.501 WindmüllerDirkDE 10.03 316.90 513.50
9 502.864 MeynMichaelDE 11.03 310.34 502.86
10 488.181 SvenOlivierZA 09.03 318.02 488.18
11 466.291 BennertWernerDE 10.03 228.48 466.29
12 430.692 Team Adolf & WolfDE 06.03 270.72 430.69
13 425.221 SchieberMarkusDE 10.03 225.37 425.22
14 423.741 HeydeckeLutzDE 10.03 256.67 423.74
15 407.001 KrimmerBerndDE 10.03 227.92 407.00
16 405.971 NillHeikoDE 10.03 231.98 405.97
17 384.181 FriedliRolfCH 10.03 237.09 384.18
18 358.113 GaiPatrickDE 10.03 233.28 358.11
19 349.081 KochJoachimDE 10.03 215.43 349.08
20 348.344 GaiHelmarDE 10.03 234.88 348.34
21 343.781 TreuterIngoDE 10.03 212.16 343.78
22 315.592 DingerWilfriedDE 08.03 154.64 315.59
23 307.532 BeltramelloMarcoIT 10.03 233.72 307.53
24 296.691 KuntzRegisFR 10.03 186.49 296.69
25 295.142 SpringfordDaveCA 06.03 220.37 295.14
26 286.391 DennerWikhartDE 10.03 160.38 286.39
27 286.042 EiseleMichaelDE 07.03 186.33 286.04
28 279.761 HertrichHeikoDE 10.03 198.23 279.76
29 271.121 EitschbergerHorstDE 08.03 195.20 271.12
30 270.671 KrimmerHeinzDE 10.03 191.27 270.67
31 267.552 MuellerBarbaraDE 10.03 131.10 267.55
32 256.491 SamsonSiegfriedDE 10.03 146.56 256.49
33 249.231 Woiwode sen.WolfgangDE 10.03 156.66 249.23
34 245.152 FinkeHans-RainerDE 08.03 132.38 245.15
35 243.951 Wurbs von BulowRolandDE 09.03 125.46 243.95
36 243.131 BaierAndreasDE 10.03 155.61 243.13
37 240.261 GaugerBerndDE 10.03 164.75 240.26
38 239.231 UltschMichaelDE 10.03 144.91 239.23
39 227.161 PradieJacquesFR 09.03 163.55 227.16
40 224.981 SchmidWalterDE 10.03 119.24 224.98
41 217.871 GallikowskiClaudiaDE 10.03 154.38 217.87
42 208.214 HaberkernPeterDE 10.03 130.87 208.21
43 203.501 BusekJosefCZ 10.03 118.03 203.50
44 200.841 BrühlMartinDE 10.03 130.83 200.84
45 200.571 BucherHermannAT 10.03 110.31 200.57
46 196.531 LaunerLudovicFR 10.03 146.74 196.53
47 191.951 BaumhauerJohannesDE 10.03 127.23 191.95
48 189.021 RodelSvenCH 10.03 116.66 189.02
49 178.961 HeckGerhardDE 10.03 114.54 178.96
50 178.931 MayerhoferBernhardAT 10.03 147.92 178.93
51 178.831 ErbacherFlorianDE 10.03 112.41 178.83
52 174.741 ProeglerThomasDE 10.03 83.87 174.74
53 173.961 NaefClaude-RolandCH 10.03 113.32 173.96
54 169.021 HoferAndiCH 10.03 121.69 169.02
55 165.871 HermannBarbaraDE 10.03 110.58 165.87
56 162.831 BenzStefanDE 10.03 117.24 162.83
57 162.231 LoosSebastianDE 10.03 105.68 162.23
58 156.161 SchmittJochenDE 10.03 90.57 156.16
59 156.061 ScherrerMartinAT 10.03 110.58 156.06
60 133.551 PuscherJörnDE 10.03 76.12 133.55
61 131.771 KienzleRainerDE 10.03 72.28 131.77
62 119.261 GlassnerRolandAT 05.03 82.69 119.26
63 117.731 MökerMichaelDE 10.03 84.77 117.73
64 114.621 ScheiffarthWilhelmDE 10.03 70.74 114.62
65 114.011 WalliserAndreasDE 10.03 80.57 114.01
66 107.401 HarastaIvanCZ 10.03 46.64 107.40
67 98.382 FuchsFlorianDE 08.03 57.06 98.38
68 95.891 ZimmermannBeatCH 10.03 51.78 95.89
69 91.441 JohnOliverDE 10.03 67.06 91.44
70 91.371 BeckmannMarkusDE 10.03 65.78 91.37
71 91.191 HobigerGerhardAT 08.03 57.32 91.19
72 76.661 WassermannSvenDE 08.03 59.28 76.66
73 74.371 SchwarzGregor-ThomasDE 10.03 34.21 74.37
74 65.341 BaierSebastianDE 10.03 30.06 65.34
75 63.821 RomigFriedrichAT 09.03 45.10 63.82
76 57.982 KesslerMarco MassimoIT 09.03 42.52 57.98
77 57.091 MarxGerhardDE 10.03 37.30 57.09
78 54.331 BaierElkeDE 10.03 33.33 54.33
79 53.641 SchiffleithnerKarlAT 10.03 28.81 53.64
80 50.511 StevanellaGabrieleIT 10.03 36.37 50.51
81 45.831 RoccaGuidoIT 09.03 35.45 45.83
82 43.174 MarchhartThomasAT 09.03 21.87 43.17
83 34.761 SchmidMartinCH 10.03 20.85 34.76
84 28.831 LoosSteffiDE 10.03 21.91 28.83
85 26.871 testingtestingCA 09.03 14.78 26.87