Please submit your flights FIRST for a national OLC. The flights will automatically be copied into the OLC-International.
Pilots on holiday submit for the national OLC of the country where the flight takes place.
When registering for the OLC in your holiday country, please specify your home country and your home club.
Mon May 06 23:50:41 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International pure gliding for week 67
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 805.741 SchwarzChristophDE 09.04 435.10 805.74
2 645.611 LeonardDavidUS 13.04 361.54 645.61
3 475.851 EkdahlCarlUS 14.04 309.98 475.85
4 471.661 SchupferMarioAT 13.04 308.15 471.66
5 469.881 SchupferGerhardAT 13.04 313.25 469.88
6 450.321 SteffenBenjaminDE 14.04 272.77 450.32
7 447.511 HengstMichaelDE 09.04 255.72 447.51
8 422.182 KolarAndrejSI 09.04 255.72 422.18
9 381.161 GeraedtsJoepNL 14.04 299.85 381.16
10 356.412 MacdonaldAlUS 13.04 236.25 356.41
11 353.421 SchmelzerTijlBE 10.04 214.07 353.42
12 347.461 KollerAndreasAT 11.04 203.84 347.46
13 340.741 LeitnerBernhardAT 13.04 221.97 340.74
14 331.631 HellmichAndreasDE 09.04 243.19 331.63
15 313.172 SchmelzerBert Jr.BE 11.04 221.31 313.17
16 304.321 WartlsteinerWalterAT 13.04 180.85 304.32
17 296.481 SchneiderRudolfAT 13.04 193.14 296.48
18 266.201 JaszlicsIvanUS 13.04 164.28 266.20
19 253.073 EisingerThomasDE 15.04 134.13 253.07
20 244.921 PrielerToniAT 11.04 156.75 244.92
21 212.581 DrieszenEdwinDE 12.04 119.05 212.58
22 209.842 OhlmannKlausDE 14.04 111.22 209.84
23 192.271 RamazzinaOttavianoIT 14.04 138.44 192.27
24 135.281 ZorziAlbertoIT 14.04 97.40 135.28
25 124.891 RothacherUrsCH 15.04 68.69 124.89
26 106.651 OlivierSvenZA 14.04 60.79 106.65
27 53.831 Finger/HaberkernTeamDE 15.04 24.76 53.83
28 28.511 HaberkernPeterDE 12.04 17.48 28.51