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Mon Oct 07 22:44:23 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International pure gliding for week 89
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 969.015 RibeiroJulio C.BR 13.09 553.72 969.01
2 967.395 FerrazJose CarlosBR 13.09 552.79 967.39
3 936.315 DuarteClaudio BloisBR 13.09 460.13 936.31
4 903.782 LindenbergKaiDE 15.09 488.04 903.78
5 897.165 SchmidtClaudio EduardoBR 13.09 512.66 897.16
6 884.802 BayerGerhardDE 15.09 546.05 884.80
7 879.751 WeigelStefanDE 15.09 475.06 879.75
8 855.524 LorenziniCarlos AlbertoBR 13.09 400.87 855.52
9 821.071 GallikowskiClaudiaDE 15.09 509.07 821.07
10 755.673 KöcherThomasDE 15.09 370.28 755.67
11 744.072 BraunErikDE 15.09 409.24 744.07
12 723.093 HeydeckeLutzDE 14.09 383.24 723.09
13 704.631 PetzoldMichaelDE 15.09 434.86 704.63
14 693.781 GaidaGregorDE 15.09 367.70 693.78
15 685.141 AriasJorgeES 15.09 335.72 685.14
16 684.861 TrautenbergHans LudwigDE 15.09 335.58 684.86
17 672.781 EisingerThomasDE 15.09 363.30 672.78
18 661.781 BauerMartinDE 15.09 330.89 661.78
19 643.991 WichaThomasDE 15.09 441.59 643.99
20 639.461 TaeymansStanBE 15.09 338.92 639.46
21 638.291 BennertWernerDE 15.09 312.76 638.29
22 637.381 BlancoJose AntonioES 12.09 356.93 637.38
23 635.691 SchmidtGunterDE 15.09 450.43 635.69
24 630.771 BaldaufSvenDE 15.09 315.38 630.77
25 622.661 LehnertWolfgangDE 15.09 354.91 622.66
26 621.851 ZorzBorisSI 16.09 489.19 621.85
27 619.342 LangelüddekeKlausDE 15.09 382.22 619.34
28 606.251 ProchaskaJoergDE 15.09 303.12 606.25
29 600.441 ZundelRainerDE 15.09 324.24 600.44
30 596.702 HaltmeyerAndreasDE 15.09 286.42 596.70
31 590.283 EiseleMichaelDE 15.09 336.46 590.28
32 586.881 SitteSigurdDE 14.09 321.95 586.88
33 583.921 DE BARBAFRANCOIT 14.09 373.71 583.92
34 583.422 SkuraDirkDE 15.09 344.22 583.42
35 582.771 SchmelzerBert Jr.BE 15.09 380.74 582.77
36 582.041 PristavecBostjanSI 15.09 392.46 582.04
37 579.151 DennerWikhartDE 15.09 324.32 579.15
38 578.821 GaiPatrickDE 15.09 312.56 578.82
39 578.651 MayerIngridDE 15.09 324.05 578.65
40 568.251 WittigayerRalphDE 15.09 250.03 568.25
41 547.111 LeonardDavidUS 15.09 350.15 547.11
42 546.661 PetersDirkDE 15.09 273.33 546.66
43 545.711 JAKOBWielandDE 15.09 294.68 545.71
44 537.531 KölleHelmutDE 15.09 263.39 537.53
45 536.391 HillingshäuserJochenDE 12.09 289.65 536.39
46 530.292 WeberBerndDE 15.09 307.57 530.29
47 526.201 KayserRonaldDE 13.09 263.10 526.20
48 525.631 GollerHubertDE 15.09 300.36 525.63
49 524.141 WassermannRolfDE 15.09 298.76 524.14
50 523.821 RichterUweDE 15.09 288.10 523.82
51 520.751 NothdurftHeinrichDE 15.09 291.62 520.75
52 519.372 FriedlAlexanderDE 11.09 373.95 519.37
53 517.132 SchmitzFrankDE 15.09 320.62 517.13
54 515.411 SmatanaBronekCZ 14.09 318.08 515.41
55 509.192 WassermannSvenDE 15.09 295.33 509.19
56 507.051 HrivnaMartinCZ 14.09 330.31 507.05
57 505.911 RendlaTomasCZ 14.09 329.56 505.91
58 503.651 BreitenfelderWilliDE 15.09 316.58 503.65
59 501.801 SchipulinKonstantinDE 15.09 275.99 501.80
60 497.461 GehrkeDirkDE 15.09 284.26 497.46
61 489.282 SuchyRomanDE 15.09 269.11 489.28
62 488.581 ReubeltRainerDE 15.09 325.72 488.58
63 481.671 KlementHelmutDE 15.09 302.76 481.67
64 479.951 StieberJoergCA 12.09 364.76 479.95
65 479.212 ErbacherFlorianDE 14.09 258.77 479.21
66 478.521 StillerLeoDE 15.09 263.19 478.52
67 478.371 MaterneManfredDE 15.09 277.46 478.37
68 478.271 vermeijdaanNL 15.09 267.83 478.27
69 464.211 SedlacekTomasCZ 14.09 328.05 464.21
70 463.462 WagnerRalfDE 15.09 273.44 463.46
71 463.062 HertrichHeikoDE 11.09 287.10 463.06
72 462.711 MangoldPeterDE 14.09 226.73 462.71
73 460.611 WassermannEroldDE 15.09 271.76 460.61
74 458.151 BegoviciMichaelDE 15.09 293.22 458.15
75 453.571 SchieckBertholdDE 15.09 222.25 453.57
76 445.981 RauschJosefAT 13.09 297.32 445.98
77 437.221 JensenRichardCZ 14.09 284.82 437.22
78 436.722 GroenewegenHarryNL 15.09 269.52 436.72
79 436.593 SchwarzChristophDE 13.09 269.44 436.59
80 436.431 RichterPaulDE 15.09 248.76 436.43
81 433.141 HosterHartmutDE 15.09 233.89 433.14
82 430.923 BertramTorstenDE 15.09 189.60 430.92
83 430.611 SchreyerStefanDE 15.09 249.75 430.61
84 430.551 BehrendtRalfDE 13.09 265.71 430.55
85 429.631 ZagarIztokSI 14.09 214.81 429.63
86 428.891 BombelkaEwaldDE 14.09 308.80 428.89
87 427.701 TermaatRonaldNL 15.09 293.28 427.70
88 423.331 TannebergKlausDE 13.09 261.25 423.33
89 417.351 van WillenswaardWouterNL 15.09 225.37 417.35
90 414.772 LaibJochenDE 15.09 237.01 414.77
91 408.211 IhrkeMarkoDE 15.09 204.11 408.21
92 403.881 HenzRolandDE 14.09 218.09 403.88
93 403.361 KolarAndrejSI 13.09 244.32 403.36
94 402.341 MayerJürgenDE 15.09 220.71 402.34
95 400.791 SchimpfRainerDE 15.09 224.44 400.79
96 398.821 BeisiegelSteffenDE 14.09 246.13 398.82
97 398.501 PatschorkeHeinzDE 15.09 167.37 398.50
98 381.481 MelzerUweDE 14.09 202.19 381.48
99 381.401 KnappBernhardDE 14.09 239.74 381.40
100 377.372 PotmesilJaroslavCZ 14.09 245.83 377.37
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
101 373.901 DietrichMatthiasDE 15.09 201.90 373.90
102 371.041 BartekDieterDE 14.09 196.65 371.04
103 370.401 HölzlMatthiasDE 15.09 228.59 370.40
104 370.271 SchachtHilmarDE 15.09 185.14 370.27
105 368.161 BaierHerbertDE 15.09 198.81 368.16
106 366.841 GaidaPeterDE 15.09 212.77 366.84
107 362.951 BeuingThomasDE 15.09 236.43 362.95
108 361.801 MarxGerhardDE 15.09 202.61 361.80
109 356.821 WeversMaxDE 15.09 232.44 356.82
110 354.021 BraunHansDE 14.09 222.52 354.02
111 352.511 SeijffertBasNL 15.09 217.55 352.51
112 350.531 NegossiRemoIT 14.09 208.31 350.53
113 348.841 WilkenPeterDE 13.09 216.28 348.84
114 346.143 WeberArnyLU 11.09 183.46 346.14
115 345.341 LeibenathKlausDE 15.09 183.03 345.34
116 340.781 HohenwarterErwinAT 15.09 210.31 340.78
117 340.161 KrohmerMarkDE 14.09 190.49 340.16
118 338.493 StoepelWolfgangDE 15.09 266.28 338.49
119 336.561 HügelJürgenDE 14.09 191.84 336.56
120 332.861 MuellerBarbaraDE 15.09 163.10 332.86
121 329.741 HeckmannReinhardDE 15.09 203.49 329.74
122 328.131 DreslerAlf OliverDE 15.09 213.75 328.13
123 323.151 HielkemaTimNL 15.09 177.73 323.15
124 322.821 BürkiChristineCH 15.09 195.54 322.82
125 319.811 KuthanovaLenkaCZ 14.09 243.06 319.81
126 318.661 SchupferGerhardAT 14.09 211.23 318.66
127 318.441 HinrichsJelscheDE 15.09 225.03 318.44
128 317.911 UrbanBerndDE 14.09 211.94 317.91
129 316.293 BeuleSebastianDE 11.09 195.19 316.29
130 316.091 KuhlmannElmarDE 15.09 227.59 316.09
131 315.751 GartheClaus-DieterDE 15.09 154.72 315.75
132 313.522 FilitzDieterDE 14.09 166.16 313.52
133 313.241 NeubronnerEckartDE 11.09 156.62 313.24
134 305.021 BurkiWalterZA 15.09 195.21 305.02
135 304.861 EngelGerhardDE 14.09 128.04 304.86
136 302.541 StaeckJoachimDE 15.09 190.17 302.54
137 297.072 ZirngiblStefanDE 14.09 160.42 297.07
138 295.101 HaefnerUlrichDE 14.09 208.53 295.10
139 292.281 RothfussPaulDE 15.09 183.72 292.28
140 287.641 BohnensJürgenDE 15.09 174.23 287.64
141 287.181 Sanz BlascoAngelES 11.09 157.95 287.18
142 285.841 SolerMarcelES 15.09 154.35 285.84
143 284.881 SchmidtAlbrechtDE 15.09 208.91 284.88
144 284.641 PönickeMarkusDE 15.09 126.87 284.64
145 283.372 ZahnChristophDE 11.09 153.02 283.37
146 281.711 HovestadtPeterDE 15.09 177.48 281.71
147 281.351 BierhuizenMartinNL 13.09 160.37 281.35
148 276.421 WeinstockWalterDE 16.09 202.18 276.42
149 272.932 AlfersAlfred PaulNL 13.09 192.87 272.93
150 272.832 BertramGuenterUS 16.09 170.98 272.83
151 272.261 GutermuthThomasDE 15.09 149.74 272.26
152 272.051 Gehrke/BötelTeamDE 14.09 195.88 272.05
153 271.311 MugeleRolfDE 15.09 180.87 271.31
154 268.311 KemmePeterDE 10.09 144.89 268.31
155 265.391 BusekJosefCZ 12.09 205.24 265.39
156 256.351 GerhardYvonneDE 15.09 135.87 256.35
157 255.193 OelgemöllerDirkDE 15.09 137.80 255.19
158 254.451 ScholzRudolfDE 15.09 162.85 254.45
159 249.116 HaberkernPeterDE 10.09 137.01 249.11
160 246.261 RohdePeterDE 15.09 137.91 246.26
161 245.461 KleinewigThomasDE 15.09 157.09 245.46
162 243.381 QuintRaphaelDE 14.09 159.01 243.38
163 239.571 van RoijBenNL 15.09 145.11 239.57
164 236.942 BlaurockManfredDE 15.09 154.35 236.94
165 236.902 SchulerBjörnDE 15.09 146.20 236.90
166 233.941 FahlgrenJanDK 15.09 144.38 233.94
167 233.101 CraigEvelyneCA 13.09 114.55 233.10
168 232.711 BröringJohannesDE 13.09 146.27 232.71
169 231.891 TermaatKarelNL 13.09 159.01 231.89
170 224.982 SchwarzUllrich S.DE 12.09 161.99 224.98
171 224.001 thomasclayUS 15.09 138.24 224.00
172 220.391 SchneiderStefanDE 15.09 133.50 220.39
173 211.181 BrackerJoachimDE 12.09 103.48 211.18
174 208.861 NeuAndreasDE 14.09 133.67 208.86
175 207.561 BaierAndreasDE 15.09 139.96 207.56
176 207.241 WawczyniakBerndDE 15.09 109.84 207.24
177 204.511 SchmidleClausDE 15.09 114.52 204.51
178 201.571 KleinChristophDE 13.09 120.94 201.57
179 200.711 SosnowskiSlawomirDE 14.09 89.46 200.71
180 199.611 StaschEdelgardDE 14.09 123.19 199.61
181 199.371 van RegterenHenkNL 13.09 143.54 199.37
182 198.592 von HansenYannDE 15.09 107.24 198.59
183 198.121 MayerArturDE 15.09 99.06 198.12
184 195.342 HerbstDieterDE 15.09 131.72 195.34
185 194.021 Zimmermann-LauerPetraDE 15.09 147.45 194.02
186 193.591 KlattReinholdDE 15.09 108.41 193.59
187 193.091 KollmarWolframDE 14.09 136.82 193.09
188 191.621 MarchhartThomasAT 14.09 135.41 191.62
189 191.471 RozsypalekRudyCA 12.09 105.31 191.47
190 187.981 HenkelmannLutzDE 14.09 122.82 187.98
191 186.301 OostendorpJeroenNL 15.09 97.94 186.30
192 184.681 VolzDietmarDE 14.09 130.50 184.68
193 184.572 TeichmannMichaelDE 16.09 97.82 184.57
194 182.401 Foster/KrohTeamUS 15.09 83.90 182.40
195 177.551 FrölichOliverDE 15.09 113.63 177.55
196 177.403 AndresenIngoDE 15.09 97.57 177.40
197 175.472 MooreDenisCA 12.09 75.45 175.47
198 172.471 BatenburgPeterNL 15.09 124.18 172.47
199 171.911 HannemannBurkhardDE 15.09 121.48 171.91
200 167.801 KirschsieperRalfDE 13.09 101.64 167.80
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
201 160.321 SchlesingerRudiAT 12.09 113.29 160.32
202 157.401 SchmittJochenDE 15.09 104.33 157.40
203 155.821 Dalla RosaGiorgioIT 14.09 96.17 155.82
204 155.401 BohlChristianAT 13.09 74.59 155.40
205 154.611 WeißJanDE 15.09 88.35 154.61
206 154.071 AmbrosiniFlavioIT 14.09 84.74 154.07
207 150.593 BaierGeorgDE 15.09 98.10 150.59
208 150.573 NassManfredDE 15.09 94.64 150.57
209 150.501 GrimselPaulDE 15.09 92.88 150.50
210 149.074 MüllerKlausDE 11.09 80.50 149.07
211 148.991 PruggerMatthiasAT 14.09 80.46 148.99
212 148.881 BechmannRolfDE 15.09 107.19 148.88
213 148.721 ZorziAlbertoIT 14.09 91.78 148.72
214 142.492 KrohAlwinDE 13.09 74.91 142.49
215 138.401 SalvadoriAndreaIT 14.09 99.65 138.40
216 137.681 ReitzAndreasFR 15.09 84.97 137.68
217 134.182 van VeelenJoostNL 13.09 96.61 134.18
218 133.151 SchiffleithnerGeorgAT 15.09 101.19 133.15
219 132.721 hille ris lambersjpNL 15.09 80.39 132.72
220 131.441 KesslerMarco MassimoIT 14.09 70.98 131.44
221 124.211 GiolaiErminioIT 14.09 62.11 124.21
222 123.102 SchneiderErnst W.CA 13.09 77.38 123.10
223 116.151 BeckerKarl-HansDE 14.09 63.88 116.15
224 115.101 WöhlerArturoDE 13.09 81.34 115.10
225 113.731 BertramHansDE 10.09 71.48 113.73
226 113.481 WörnerTobiasDE 14.09 81.71 113.48
227 113.024 JanzRobinDE 15.09 59.90 113.02
228 110.012 PilzFrankCA 14.09 80.67 110.01
229 108.031 AngelePeterDE 15.09 57.26 108.03
230 107.931 ReissChristophDE 15.09 66.61 107.93
231 107.591 HonrathKurtDE 14.09 61.32 107.59
232 106.361 ScholtenMarcusDE 13.09 52.12 106.36
233 106.251 KessenichThomasDE 13.09 65.57 106.25
234 99.002 VöllerKlausDE 15.09 62.04 99.00
235 94.921 HöbelSvenDE 16.09 52.21 94.92
236 92.631 SchaumannMartinDE 15.09 56.11 92.63
237 88.681 KrauseHans-JürgenDE 15.09 45.61 88.68
238 80.271 HöllriglWolfgangAT 14.09 61.01 80.27
239 80.031 StarekPetrCZ 13.09 56.55 80.03
240 77.931 HöflerMarkusDE 15.09 55.07 77.93
241 77.594 FlorenceTrevorCA 10.09 48.77 77.59
242 74.931 SchwarzErnstDE 14.09 55.95 74.93
243 73.052 LiebertThomasDE 15.09 45.08 73.05
244 68.431 GrauRobertDE 14.09 45.62 68.43
245 63.521 HiemstraBenNL 15.09 44.89 63.52
246 60.371 HinterthanKaiDE 14.09 31.39 60.37
247 51.612 BreitenfelderJürgenDE 14.09 32.44 51.61
248 51.442 BrackhahnThomasDE 14.09 27.78 51.44
249 48.731 van GerwenPeerNL 15.09 31.84 48.73
250 47.141 BertramBirgitDE 15.09 27.66 47.14
251 37.771 GrassoPaoloIT 15.09 20.02 37.77
252 25.721 NiemetzManishaDE 15.09 11.83 25.72
253 22.991 BaierDanielaDE 15.09 12.18 22.99
254 12.341 HodanJiriCZ 16.09 9.38 12.34