Please submit your flights FIRST for a national OLC. The flights will automatically be copied into the OLC-International.
Pilots on holiday submit for the national OLC of the country where the flight takes place.
When registering for the OLC in your holiday country, please specify your home country and your home club.
Mon Apr 08 23:59:48 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International for Week 63
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 1327.481 LarroudeOlivierFR 12.03 1115.09 1327.48
2 708.902 MeisJonDE 17.03 389.89 708.90
3 706.313 WehnertEckiDE 13.03 346.09 706.31
4 699.442 OhlmannKlausDE 12.03 328.74 699.44
5 630.894 BeuleSebastianDE 17.03 340.68 630.89
6 605.183 UeblackerHans PeterAT 17.03 363.11 605.18
7 604.993 NiesslbeckJohannesDE 17.03 375.09 604.99
8 603.634 ZahnChristophDE 17.03 372.52 603.63
9 602.742 FriedlAlexanderDE 17.03 371.98 602.74
10 599.773 MeynMichaelDE 13.03 370.14 599.77
11 584.692 SchwerdtfegerFrankDE 17.03 374.20 584.69
12 560.002 RickFranzDE 16.03 410.67 560.00
13 559.371 PfennigMichaelDE 13.03 318.84 559.37
14 558.472 GoretzkiBerndDE 18.03 307.16 558.47
15 555.792 HenzRolandDE 18.03 343.00 555.79
16 548.913 FraßlStefanieAT 17.03 301.90 548.91
17 543.193 KrügerKarstenDE 13.03 310.39 543.19
18 467.501 HaiderAndreasAT 18.03 361.54 467.50
19 457.781 GaiHelmarDE 12.03 298.21 457.78
20 451.472 WeinstockWalterDE 16.03 330.21 451.47
21 449.621 BissigAloisCH 14.03 377.68 449.62
22 438.872 PuscherJörnDE 16.03 285.89 438.87
23 438.571 EiseleMichaelDE 16.03 285.70 438.57
24 430.241 FunkWernerDE 16.03 304.85 430.24
25 424.342 FuchsFlorianDE 16.03 266.73 424.34
26 416.112 HertrichHeikoDE 17.03 294.85 416.11
27 414.661 KleberThomasDE 13.03 320.67 414.66
28 405.673 WassermannEroldDE 16.03 319.12 405.67
29 404.163 WassermannRolfDE 16.03 312.55 404.16
30 403.811 BechtoldGuyLU 16.03 242.29 403.81
31 377.041 FischerRalfDE 16.03 258.54 377.04
32 364.823 BaumhauerJohannesDE 16.03 241.82 364.82
33 359.431 GnesuttaAndreaIT 17.03 221.82 359.43
34 339.522 O'ReganAlanZA 16.03 209.53 339.52
35 330.521 LuidoltWernerAT 13.03 255.60 330.52
36 329.141 ScherdelMarkusDE 17.03 225.70 329.14
37 320.821 GaiPatrickDE 13.03 208.99 320.82
38 275.691 sironialbertoIT 16.03 185.89 275.69
39 271.531 SchleissFrediCH 17.03 162.92 271.53
40 271.411 HeckGerhardDE 16.03 151.99 271.41
41 269.601 HuppertMichaelCH 18.03 163.30 269.60
42 268.721 ZacherlMichaelDE 17.03 104.80 268.72
43 267.681 WidmannJohannAT 12.03 207.00 267.68
44 261.242 DaschnerErwinDE 13.03 208.99 261.24
45 258.722 ScheuringerWernerAT 18.03 142.29 258.72
46 247.021 MuellerBarbaraDE 13.03 121.04 247.02
47 239.041 HaltmeyerAndreasDE 16.03 131.13 239.04
48 215.311 FriedliRolfCH 17.03 155.03 215.31
49 214.981 SpitzlGerhardDE 13.03 116.09 214.98
50 209.291 van VeelenJoostNL 16.03 129.16 209.29
51 207.314 HaberkernPeterDE 13.03 114.02 207.31
52 200.622 SzarafinskiPeterDE 17.03 114.64 200.62
53 199.931 WeberBerndDE 16.03 121.10 199.93
54 196.471 't HartSanderNL 16.03 134.72 196.47
55 190.832 BeltramelloMarcoIT 17.03 145.03 190.83
56 171.041 KrohAlwinUS 17.03 107.76 171.04
57 138.492 WassermannSvenDE 18.03 93.38 138.49
58 129.352 MisunJaroslavCH 17.03 69.85 129.35
59 126.161 HödlBernhardAT 17.03 100.92 126.16
60 122.942 NillHeikoDE 16.03 81.96 122.94
61 106.201 Woiwode sen.WolfgangDE 16.03 72.82 106.20
62 101.091 StaschEdelgardDE 15.03 62.39 101.09
63 95.431 LischeDieterDE 17.03 69.98 95.43
64 94.841 ZarlWolfgangAT 17.03 68.28 94.84
65 83.811 BerendsenBartNL 16.03 60.34 83.81
66 78.581 PilzFrankCA 17.03 57.62 78.58
67 57.902 AdamowskiEckhartDE 16.03 26.63 57.90
68 47.441 KesslerMarco MassimoIT 16.03 25.62 47.44
69 37.651 SpöttleMatthiasDE 16.03 25.10 37.65
70 18.441 BreunigEliasDE 17.03 11.59 18.44