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Mon May 20 23:51:35 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International pure gliding for week 69
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 946.705 OhlmannKlausDE 25.04 501.75 946.70
2 927.461 FerreroAndreaIT 23.04 500.83 927.46
3 905.132 JankowskiFrankDE 24.04 479.72 905.13
4 885.122 KolarAndrejSI 28.04 637.29 885.12
5 860.212 ZorzBorisSI 28.04 573.47 860.21
6 857.351 FittererHansDE 28.04 529.11 857.35
7 856.032 ThalerMihaelSI 28.04 673.41 856.03
8 805.401 DohmenKarlDE 23.04 434.92 805.40
9 794.962 LeuteneggerStefanCH 26.04 481.52 794.96
10 748.751 LarpinRogerCH 27.04 513.43 748.75
11 737.032 FriedliRolfCH 25.04 398.00 737.03
12 732.481 MarazAlesSI 26.04 366.24 732.48
13 717.071 LaunerLudovicFR 27.04 535.41 717.07
14 702.632 LeilerFerdinandAT 23.04 393.47 702.63
15 699.822 HausmannJohannesAT 26.04 431.89 699.82
16 685.541 KoepperMarkUS 27.04 430.91 685.54
17 677.442 GlatiotisMikeCA 28.04 424.53 677.44
18 675.883 LuidoltWernerAT 28.04 477.62 675.88
19 675.411 ŠusterAlešSI 28.04 477.29 675.41
20 656.751 IstelRobertoIT 26.04 499.13 656.75
21 644.215 MayerböckJörgAT 26.04 532.55 644.21
22 633.533 MayerböckHerbertAT 25.04 523.72 633.53
23 625.291 GassnerHilmarAT 23.04 331.41 625.29
24 623.172 MakAndreasAT 28.04 415.45 623.17
25 611.991 HutterArnoAT 29.04 330.47 611.99
26 602.772 HoefnerChristophDE 23.04 433.99 602.77
27 587.311 ZnidarsicLukaSI 28.04 422.86 587.31
28 587.131 SalvadoriAndreaIT 27.04 362.34 587.13
29 563.661 EsserErikAT 23.04 420.86 563.66
30 562.441 KoutnyPetrCZ 28.04 314.97 562.44
31 555.542 TichyPetrCZ 28.04 317.45 555.54
32 544.231 AmannWernerAT 28.04 428.12 544.23
33 539.852 FrutigerUrsCH 25.04 351.68 539.85
34 539.802 HussBerndtAT 28.04 326.97 539.80
35 539.332 GsodamAndreasAT 28.04 381.13 539.33
36 528.872 KothgasserWolfgangAT 23.04 338.48 528.87
37 509.631 FratrikTiborSK 28.04 380.52 509.63
38 508.211 SchwindChristianAT 29.04 319.45 508.21
39 497.221 Dal GrandePinoIT 25.04 323.91 497.22
40 487.841 AmbrosiniFlavioIT 25.04 306.64 487.84
41 483.262 RodelSvenCH 23.04 298.24 483.26
42 481.211 KnoblauchMichaelDE 23.04 307.97 481.21
43 470.271 RoccaGuidoIT 25.04 311.72 470.27
44 464.611 HerzigMartinCH 23.04 302.66 464.61
45 450.533 HajekAlesCZ 25.04 257.45 450.53
46 436.662 NovakIvanCZ 25.04 244.53 436.66
47 436.542 LeonardDavidUS 27.04 279.39 436.54
48 432.491 HohenwarterErwinAT 25.04 266.91 432.49
49 431.181 PrielerToniAT 23.04 275.95 431.18
50 426.292 MulleTinoAT 23.04 243.59 426.29
51 423.171 DantasFelipeBR 25.04 241.81 423.17
52 417.621 HabersatterGeorgAT 23.04 252.96 417.62
53 416.241 DickGeorgAT 29.04 256.88 416.24
54 411.132 Meyer-BeeckDietrichES 28.04 222.01 411.13
55 400.011 MoserHansjoergAT 29.04 298.67 400.01
56 395.411 KollerAndreasAT 28.04 279.43 395.41
57 393.492 RosiniValterIT 26.04 260.83 393.49
58 391.411 SolerMarcelES 24.04 281.81 391.41
59 389.721 ProdingerUweAT 26.04 253.87 389.72
60 389.192 v. BusseDitmarDE 25.04 249.08 389.19
61 388.312 GlassnerRolandAT 25.04 217.46 388.31
62 386.581 TschurtschenthalerManfredAT 23.04 234.15 386.58
63 384.251 TothRobertHU 28.04 215.18 384.25
64 379.393 LewandowskiMarkusAT 29.04 247.14 379.39
65 375.332 StaudOswaldAT 23.04 231.63 375.33
66 373.481 RyserPeterCH 25.04 273.89 373.48
67 364.082 MayerböckHildeAT 28.04 300.97 364.08
68 358.231 IrgangAxelDE 25.04 253.15 358.23
69 344.211 OlivierSvenZA 27.04 224.23 344.21
70 340.061 GlassnerSabineAT 28.04 186.55 340.06
71 336.452 StadermannHartmutDE 25.04 188.41 336.45
72 335.641 SchimaMartinAT 28.04 187.96 335.64
73 329.771 BloderPeterAT 28.04 174.78 329.77
74 328.411 DemmererHeimoAT 29.04 249.59 328.41
75 324.941 SütterlinThomasCH 27.04 211.67 324.94
76 323.291 SteinbergerWalterAT 28.04 181.04 323.29
77 318.221 GaussChristophDE 25.04 155.93 318.22
78 314.471 JagielloJanAT 23.04 194.07 314.47
79 313.272 KuntzRegisFR 27.04 196.91 313.27
80 310.851 ProchaskaJoergDE 25.04 195.39 310.85
81 308.231 GusenleitnerM.AT 28.04 217.81 308.23
82 307.441 BalogIstvanHU 28.04 147.57 307.44
83 300.361 ZorziAlbertoIT 27.04 216.26 300.36
84 298.842 BrandlErichAT 23.04 149.42 298.84
85 295.351 HenzRolandDE 28.04 182.28 295.35
86 291.722 HartlWolfgangAT 23.04 166.28 291.72
87 290.911 NovakMatjazSI 26.04 205.58 290.91
88 273.541 FriedrichHerbertAT 26.04 144.97 273.54
89 273.401 MayerArturDE 25.04 156.23 273.40
90 267.901 PilzFrankCA 27.04 196.46 267.90
91 266.481 BarwickJohannesDE 26.04 141.23 266.48
92 260.041 OkaMasaakiJP 26.04 183.76 260.04
93 243.851 PurtschellerFridolinAT 23.04 158.85 243.85
94 241.931 YamamotoYasuoJP 26.04 146.54 241.93
95 239.281 StesslMartinAT 25.04 134.00 239.28
96 228.262 FinkDietmarAT 23.04 123.26 228.26
97 227.231 DuarteClaudio BloisBR 27.04 130.28 227.23
98 225.981 NackeBernhardDE 25.04 110.73 225.98
99 225.441 ProeglerThomasDE 25.04 108.21 225.44
100 219.901 HavlinPeterHU 28.04 146.60 219.90
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
101 217.211 vermeijdaanNL 23.04 119.47 217.21
102 212.762 HenöklMichaelAT 26.04 104.25 212.76
103 205.891 MuellerRuediCH 25.04 148.24 205.89
104 199.931 UgoliniMarioIT 27.04 149.28 199.93
104 199.931 SchostekMarcEC 27.04 125.67 199.93
106 193.021 WartlsteinerWalterAT 28.04 114.71 193.02
107 191.381 thalmaiermarkusDE 23.04 118.11 191.38
108 191.271 WawczyniakBerndDE 25.04 135.16 191.27
109 190.731 KühlAndreasDE 26.04 142.41 190.73
110 190.401 ReubeltRainerDE 27.04 128.39 190.40
111 190.261 WernerDirkDE 25.04 119.59 190.26
112 175.011 VöllmEckhardDE 27.04 128.34 175.01
113 173.902 SchiffleithnerGeorgAT 28.04 122.89 173.90
114 166.621 PetrovicGregorSI 25.04 106.64 166.62
115 166.261 SchlapbachAndreaCH 27.04 137.44 166.26
116 158.921 NitzUweDE 26.04 114.42 158.92
117 157.542 peragrazianoIT 25.04 85.07 157.54
118 157.212 SéguinGilles-AndréCA 27.04 84.89 157.21
119 142.741 Cubillo RubiatoCarlos F. 27.04 87.55 142.74
120 141.741 HöllriglWolfgangAT 27.04 103.94 141.74
121 139.161 EisenmengerMatthiasDE 27.04 81.64 139.16
122 138.511 SüssenbacherFlorianAT 26.04 87.06 138.51
123 134.221 GiolaiErminioIT 25.04 89.48 134.22
124 133.601 BrownleeScottCA 29.04 57.45 133.60
125 132.881 Dalla RosaGiorgioIT 25.04 95.67 132.88
126 132.121 FlorenceBryanEC 27.04 63.42 132.12
127 125.501 PirkerMartinAT 28.04 81.99 125.50
128 123.202 HorakJanCZ 28.04 60.37 123.20
129 110.171 AkkermansWimNL 27.04 59.49 110.17
130 108.353 JonesMartinCA 28.04 78.01 108.35
131 96.731 WassermannSvenDE 27.04 69.64 96.73
132 95.081 BreidenbachPhilippDE 25.04 67.19 95.08
133 93.421 GrossPeterCA 27.04 68.51 93.42
134 75.031 SchiffleithnerKarlAT 27.04 57.03 75.03
135 65.131 RamazzinaOttavianoIT 26.04 46.89 65.13
136 56.171 NeubronnerEricDE 27.04 37.44 56.17
137 36.341 HorbrüggerHerbertDE 29.04 24.50 36.34
138 33.191 WickeKaiDE 29.04 22.38 33.19
139 16.951 KohlerUlrichDE 28.04 10.17 16.95
140 10.091 PotmesilJaroslavCZ 23.04 7.13 10.09