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Mon Sep 02 22:44:37 CEST 2002
OLC Formula International pure gliding for week 84
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
1 2032.792 OhlmannKlausDE 12.08 1231.29 2032.79
2 1778.422 DohmenKarlDE 12.08 1097.54 1778.42
3 1052.946 GintzelDirkDE 07.08 661.85 1052.94
4 965.061 LeonardDavidUS 11.08 617.64 965.06
5 910.961 thomasclayUS 11.08 562.19 910.96
6 873.454 MarzinzikGerhardDE 12.08 640.53 873.45
7 824.582 Meyer-BeeckDietrichES 07.08 445.27 824.58
8 766.792 SpatscheckThomasDE 09.08 562.32 766.79
9 759.921 WolfartFriederCH 08.08 468.98 759.92
10 742.652 TappeserRainerFR 07.08 401.03 742.65
11 726.871 ZorziAlbertoIT 08.08 448.58 726.87
12 725.221 HilleMartinDE 06.08 413.38 725.22
13 721.561 RosiniValterIT 08.08 445.30 721.56
14 710.581 AmbrosiniFlavioIT 08.08 446.65 710.58
15 710.042 LabusgaWaldemarDE 06.08 383.42 710.04
16 693.821 UgoliniMarioIT 08.08 444.04 693.82
17 677.931 MontiRomeoIT 08.08 433.87 677.93
18 670.152 SterlChristophDE 06.08 381.98 670.15
19 667.011 LeuteneggerStefanCH 08.08 411.64 667.01
20 654.221 HöfelAlfredDE 06.08 346.74 654.22
21 651.921 EisenmengerNadjaDE 08.08 402.33 651.92
22 649.091 JohannesTanjaDE 06.08 344.02 649.09
23 643.991 GrantIanCA 08.08 341.32 643.99
24 631.942 BernseeDennyDE 06.08 309.65 631.94
25 628.013 PauschardtDagDE 06.08 410.30 628.01
26 627.361 EngelhardtRolfDE 06.08 313.68 627.36
27 607.281 VoellmEckhardDE 08.08 388.66 607.28
28 600.983 GraeberToreDE 06.08 364.02 600.98
29 600.261 StieberJoergCA 07.08 370.44 600.26
30 599.002 KörnerAndreasDE 06.08 299.50 599.00
31 598.021 KautzmannBerndDE 06.08 322.93 598.02
32 597.462 BlüthgenSönke ChristianDE 06.08 361.89 597.46
33 595.662 RennertOliverDE 06.08 326.76 595.66
34 588.513 von HansenYannDE 06.08 363.19 588.51
35 587.781 HönickePatrickDE 06.08 311.52 587.78
36 586.893 SpringfordDaveCA 07.08 375.61 586.89
37 585.191 GmeinerWolfgangDE 09.08 321.85 585.19
38 579.982 FischerTinoDE 06.08 284.19 579.98
39 573.542 KoepperMarkUS 08.08 315.45 573.54
40 564.851 MuraAntoninoIT 08.08 355.05 564.85
41 562.281 GöbelHartmutDE 06.08 281.14 562.28
42 543.142 Boller-RochollKarl-HeinzDE 06.08 354.85 543.14
43 541.601 PetzoldMichaelDE 06.08 340.44 541.60
44 540.541 KrauseHans-JürgenDE 06.08 259.46 540.54
45 532.422 RudloffJanDE 06.08 282.19 532.42
46 532.183 ScholzRudolfDE 06.08 340.59 532.18
47 520.741 GrauRobertDE 06.08 260.37 520.74
48 519.353 PetersDirkDE 06.08 259.68 519.35
49 507.931 SeifertHorstDE 06.08 274.28 507.93
50 507.231 SchwarzChristophDE 06.08 273.90 507.23
51 497.562 OlivierSvenZA 08.08 358.25 497.56
52 488.792 MosesJörgDE 06.08 263.95 488.79
53 488.611 HielscherLotharDE 06.08 278.51 488.61
54 480.851 RoccaGuidoIT 08.08 318.73 480.85
55 465.942 BaierAndreasDE 09.08 314.18 465.94
56 457.441 LillottePeterDE 06.08 247.02 457.44
57 447.361 VerdanPatriceCH 08.08 281.20 447.36
58 444.361 KösterRaphaelDE 06.08 235.51 444.36
59 442.942 KayserRonaldDE 06.08 221.47 442.94
60 441.013 SchmidtSteffenDE 06.08 317.53 441.01
61 437.761 RauchThomasDE 09.08 245.15 437.76
62 434.891 BaumannMathiasDE 06.08 268.39 434.89
63 433.532 HurtovaPetraCZ 09.08 208.09 433.53
64 431.391 KuntzRegisFR 11.08 271.77 431.39
65 425.782 NovakovaDanaCZ 09.08 208.63 425.78
66 423.492 SedlacekJozefCZ 09.08 207.51 423.49
67 422.022 JensenRichardCZ 09.08 211.01 422.02
68 421.501 BaldwinRandUS 11.08 227.61 421.50
69 419.381 VoelterMarkusDE 09.08 239.05 419.38
70 418.612 FrintaTomasCZ 09.08 205.12 418.61
71 416.981 MadrigalJorgeES 07.08 300.23 416.98
72 415.962 WassermannEroldDE 12.08 327.22 415.96
73 411.302 KnösingBerndDE 06.08 285.17 411.30
74 408.732 NovakIvanCZ 09.08 200.28 408.73
75 399.952 StarekPetrCZ 09.08 211.97 399.95
76 398.101 DumkeChristineDE 09.08 254.78 398.10
77 398.031 PuerroJosefCH 08.08 254.74 398.03
78 395.022 GeyerSwaantjeDE 09.08 225.73 395.02
79 394.542 CattaruzzaRonCA 07.08 220.94 394.54
80 390.781 RojahnWolfgangDE 10.08 245.63 390.78
81 382.472 HodanJiriCZ 09.08 218.01 382.47
82 380.301 BarfussAnjaDE 09.08 217.31 380.30
83 376.681 MuellerBarbaraDE 09.08 184.57 376.68
84 374.792 MühlbacherMathiasDE 09.08 244.15 374.79
85 371.211 ZimmermannBeatCH 08.08 254.55 371.21
86 367.131 DuarteClaudio BloisBR 10.08 210.49 367.13
87 365.281 ReuterDieterDE 09.08 237.95 365.28
88 365.161 GassnerHilmarAT 09.08 229.53 365.16
89 363.531 IrlbeckBettinaDE 09.08 220.20 363.53
90 360.261 VogelHans-JürgenDE 06.08 194.54 360.26
91 345.822 GarrechtGeorgDE 08.08 169.45 345.82
92 342.011 OhlJürgenDE 06.08 191.53 342.01
93 340.742 PotmesilJaroslavCZ 09.08 194.22 340.74
94 339.364 FunkWernerDE 12.08 280.54 339.36
95 337.763 KollmeierBertDE 08.08 189.15 337.76
96 335.321 ZeyenWolfgangDE 08.08 160.95 335.32
97 334.282 NötzoldVolkerDE 09.08 177.17 334.28
98 331.003 DennisMartinCA 11.08 182.05 331.00
99 330.381 ProchaskaJoergDE 08.08 165.19 330.38
100 328.992 TheisenMarcDE 08.08 161.21 328.99
RankPointsNameGiven NameDateKilometerPoints
101 328.611 BurkiWalterZA 11.08 210.31 328.61
102 326.901 GlatiotisMikeCA 08.08 186.80 326.90
103 324.531 TichyPetrCZ 10.08 246.65 324.53
104 322.681 MichelmannClausDE 09.08 245.23 322.68
105 319.292 LanghansDominiqueDE 08.08 193.40 319.29
106 316.531 SchwartzThomasDE 06.08 166.41 316.53
107 316.301 ZettierMarkoDE 09.08 213.28 316.30
108 304.511 WassermannRolfDE 09.08 176.62 304.51
109 301.771 SmatanaBronekCZ 10.08 217.28 301.77
110 300.881 RäthWalterDE 09.08 168.49 300.88
111 299.641 HölzlMatthiasDE 09.08 215.74 299.64
112 299.021 BorelAlexandreCH 08.08 198.21 299.02
113 298.461 KubitzSteffenDE 09.08 185.05 298.46
114 296.753 SeifertAndreaDE 06.08 209.70 296.75
115 295.285 SchmelzerBert Jr.BE 08.08 165.36 295.28
116 289.061 WeversKlausDE 09.08 227.40 289.06
117 287.901 DemharterMichaelDE 06.08 203.45 287.90
118 287.302 WeißJanDE 06.08 191.53 287.30
119 286.381 HumlicekPetrCZ 08.08 157.10 286.38
120 280.372 WeißBenjaminDE 06.08 201.87 280.37
121 280.241 KolbBerndDE 09.08 168.14 280.24
122 279.492 KesslerMarco MassimoIT 08.08 172.48 279.49
123 279.441 GijrathHansDE 08.08 169.26 279.44
124 279.381 SchlabachKlaus-PeterDE 06.08 156.45 279.38
125 277.012 SalvadoriAndreaIT 08.08 170.95 277.01
126 275.333 GrunderStephanNL 08.08 166.77 275.33
127 273.562 VermeerSikkoNL 08.08 175.08 273.56
128 272.631 KlabundePaulDE 06.08 199.93 272.63
129 272.281 AmelungJensDE 06.08 199.68 272.28
130 270.762 CraigEvelyneCA 11.08 155.23 270.76
131 270.632 SetonRobbieNL 08.08 167.02 270.63
132 268.102 AkkermansWimNL 08.08 162.39 268.10
133 262.111 BuhlmannHansDE 06.08 188.72 262.11
134 261.332 SedlacekTomasCZ 08.08 161.28 261.33
135 259.571 ZoykeIngoDE 07.08 137.57 259.57
136 256.771 DehneRolfDE 09.08 136.09 256.77
137 254.841 SchürmannRolandCH 08.08 154.36 254.84
138 253.295 SchulteTobiasDE 11.08 168.86 253.29
139 244.363 NeubronnerEricDE 08.08 131.96 244.36
140 243.772 MüllerRalfDE 06.08 139.30 243.77
141 238.311 SchmitzFrankDE 09.08 168.86 238.31
142 235.311 GaagBenjaminDE 09.08 124.71 235.31
143 228.712 GrannetiaJasperNL 07.08 135.92 228.71
144 226.591 LuxRobertDE 06.08 151.06 226.59
145 222.102 LemkeFrankDE 09.08 119.93 222.10
146 221.111 VodickaPetrCZ 09.08 84.02 221.11
147 217.802 PoelJelleNL 07.08 131.93 217.80
148 217.722 PilzFrankCA 10.08 119.75 217.72
149 211.491 BockGunnarDE 07.08 120.85 211.49
150 210.931 BurgessDavidCA 11.08 120.53 210.93
151 208.931 LüthgeHenrikDE 10.08 119.39 208.93
152 206.841 WawczyniakBerndDE 09.08 146.17 206.84
153 194.572 SchwarzGregor-ThomasDE 09.08 107.01 194.57
154 184.024 van WillenswaardWouterNL 10.08 132.50 184.02
155 176.492 MaurischatChristianDE 09.08 100.60 176.49
156 176.041 UlbertManfredDE 09.08 95.06 176.04
157 175.591 SchostekMarcEC 11.08 86.29 175.59
158 174.881 AppelChristinaDE 10.08 87.44 174.88
159 174.181 LiebertPetraDE 08.08 125.41 174.18
160 169.741 KuckenburgJörgDE 08.08 89.96 169.74
161 169.031 MayerArturDE 09.08 96.59 169.03
162 165.561 WirsingGeraldDE 06.08 89.40 165.56
163 157.782 ErnstBernhardDE 06.08 86.78 157.78
164 153.221 KellenersPhilipNL 08.08 110.32 153.22
165 152.101 JonesMartinCA 11.08 82.14 152.10
166 151.951 RupertoEugeneUS 08.08 101.30 151.95
167 147.993 MelzerUweDE 09.08 104.58 147.99
168 145.591 JaminPeterDE 09.08 82.98 145.59
169 141.652 LudwigMathiasDE 09.08 85.80 141.65
170 132.131 BröringJohannesDE 07.08 93.37 132.13
171 130.233 SchmidleClausDE 09.08 72.93 130.23
172 120.901 RuppelJochenDE 09.08 82.91 120.90
173 120.321 HuxtableGeorgeCA 12.08 45.72 120.32
174 120.061 GaussChristophDE 09.08 55.23 120.06
175 119.101 AmesWolfgangDE 06.08 85.75 119.10
176 117.201 Simmons/KrohTeamUS 06.08 71.89 117.20
177 115.181 GaidaGregorDE 08.08 61.05 115.18
178 105.721 LichtmanneckerStefanDE 09.08 74.71 105.72
179 103.301 WeberAlexanderDE 07.08 73.00 103.30
180 101.101 MüllerCharlyDE 06.08 62.40 101.10
181 99.851 TrompReeuwertNL 11.08 54.91 99.85
182 98.851 RothMatthiasDE 09.08 56.67 98.85
183 97.251 GallikowskiClaudiaDE 09.08 80.39 97.25
184 97.211 RatzschEikoDE 09.08 46.66 97.21
185 91.772 SnowRichardCA 11.08 58.73 91.77
186 85.553 KleinChristophDE 06.08 51.33 85.55
187 78.221 SchleyerRoland-DE 10.08 64.66 78.22
188 74.291 MaagPeterUS 10.08 43.58 74.29
189 68.311 RoseMarkUS 11.08 42.80 68.31
190 52.861 PönickeMarkusDE 11.08 32.42 52.86
191 37.921 KaluzaRolandDE 11.08 23.26 37.92